The National Betting Authority aims, inter alia, at strengthening its European and international presence, and developing and evolving itself in matters falling within the scope of its competence, by developing and promoting partnerships with corresponding European and international bodies.
Within the framework of establishing contracts with the corresponding regulatory Authorities of the member states of the European Union and the European Commission, the NBA has proceeded with signing a Cooperation Arrangement between the gambling regulatory authorities of the EEA Member States concerning online gambling services. The Agreement was signed on behalf of Cyprus by the President of the NBA, Ms. Ioanna Fiakkou.
The Cooperation Agreement was signed by member states in Brussels on the 27th of November 2015, thus contributing significantly to the shaping of a common European framework with regard to the main principles and standards that must govern the provision of online gambling services. More specifically, the areas covered by the Agreement concern the exchange of information on recipients, the protection of players, the integrity of games, limiting unnecessary administrative procedures, as well as the use of best practices.
The Agreement aims at the optimal facilitation of the powers of the regulatory authority of each country. It thus enhances the effectiveness of regulatory work that is carried out and the exercise of control and supervision of online gambling, for the purpose of achieving the objectives that have been set for the completion and fulfillment of the mission of each authority in relation to the carrying out of online gambling.