Digeni Akrita 83, 1070, Nicosia
Call centre: +357 22881800
Fax: 22605043
Email: [email protected]
Digeni Akrita 83, 1070, Nicosia
Call centre: +357 22881800
Fax: 22605043
Email: [email protected]
Authorized Representative and Premises (Betting Shops)
/in ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUBLIC INFORMATION /by Christina ChristoforouClick here to download the file
Automation of Services and Supervision of the National Betting Authority
/in ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUBLIC INFORMATION /by Christina ChristoforouThe National Betting Authority (hereinafter the “Authority”) has signed an agreement with Logicom Solutions Limited on the 20th of April 2018, following a tender procedure no. A.A.13.2017 for the award of the Contract for «The analysis, design, development, customization, installation and maintenance of a Betting Monitoring System, a Document Management and Workflow System, Accounting System and HR Management & Payroll System».
The development of the above-mentioned Information Systems, will bring about the complete automation of the Authority’s procedures. Applicants and licensees will be able to use the Authority’s online automated services to handle their applications/requests and will be able to get information on their request’s progress.
The ultimate goal of the project is to upgrade the services provided by the Authority to stakeholders and the public in general, to simplify procedures, reduce bureaucracy, and consequently drastically reduce the operating costs of both parties.
By developing a betting monitoring system, full transaction control and the detection of potential illegal transactions and manipulation of results will be achieved, which will further enhance and strengthen the supervisory role of the Authority.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of June 2019.
Directive 28/2018 – Inclusion of numerical lottery ticket “KINO/KENO” in the definition “game machine of limited benefit” – 23 April 2018
/in ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUBLIC INFORMATION /by Christina ChristoforouAccording to section 11(b) of the Betting Law 2012, L. 106(I)/2012 the National Betting Authority has the power to draft and issue Regulations and Directives for the best possible application of the Law
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