Authorized Representative and Premises (Betting Shops)
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The National Betting Authority held its first Annual Meeting on Thursday, the 23th of November 2017.
The following subjects were presented:
The Minister of Finance, Mr. Harris Georgiades gave the opening address.
The information presented during the Annual meeting can be found below:
The National Betting Authority is systematically publishing quarterly reports on the Financial Results and Quantitative Data for the period starting January 2015 to the current quarter. The goal of this publication is the maximization of transparency and better public awareness.
The results for the 3rd quarter of 2017 (July – September 2017) that are presented are derived from the detailed financial statements of Class A and B licenced bookmakers, as well as from the data that are stored to the Authority’s registry.
Click here to see the results.
The National Betting Authority, as part of its Strategic Planning, and particularly in the context of the protection of young people and other vulnerable groups from betting, has launched today, the 1st of December 2017, a pilot awareness campaign on responsible gaming.
The key message of the campaign is that by playing responsibly, society as a whole can benefit and not just the players themselves.
It is a dynamic campaign, whose short-term goal is to raise awareness, to give food for though and encourage the recipient of the message to come to a conclusion. In the long-term, the aim is to help cultivate a more responsible attitude towards gambling.
The campaign will run until June 30th and will strategically address the general public and mostly the group of people that are most vulnerable to gambling, such as:
The campaign is simple, precise and it is based on dilemmas. Dilemmas that inevitably arise from one’s gambling behaviour and that question the boundaries between responsibility and the loss of it. Dilemmas that are expressed through contradicting words and put the person in the process of taking a step back and think about what does gambling means to him, and in essence, think of the reasons why he gambles; having fun while gambling responsibly.
If you participate in a gambling activity, choose what is gambling for you.
Reflect on where is the dividing line between gambling as a social and fun activity and problem gambling.
Set up your gambling limits, stay within then, ask for help if you go beyond your limits.
More information on the campaign is available at:
Digeni Akrita 83, 1070, Nicosia
Call centre: +357 22881800
Fax: 22605043
Email: [email protected]