List of Authorized Representatives and Premises (Betting Shops)
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The National Betting Authority is conducting an open competition with the award ctiterion of the most economically advantageous bid on the basis of an optimal price-quality ratio for the provision of onsite supervision and compliance Services across Cyprus.
The deadline for the submission of offers is the 3th of August 2018 at 12:00
Find the tender documents and more information at the link below:
The National Betting Authority presents the comprehensive results of the first nationwide quantitative survey on the prevalence, Behavior and characteristics of Gamblers. The primary objective of the research was to shed light on Cypriots’ gambling and betting activities, where no official research and date had been made available in the past, in order to provide the National Betting Authority with the necessary insights and knowledge that will allow it to create and implement targeted measures and policies, in the context of a national strategy of dealing with problem/ pathological gambling.
The research was conducted by IMR and the University of Nicosia from November 2017 to January 2018, using the methodology of personal interviews of a random sample of 3,000 people, 15 years and older, across all Cyprus. Click the link below to view the survey results in full.
The National Betting Authority is conducting an open competition with the award criterion of the most economically advantageous bid on the basis of an optimal price-quality ratio for the provision of Statistical Data Analysis services.
The deadline for the submission of offers is the 24th of August 2018 at 12:00
Find the tender documents and more information at the link below (greek only):
Digeni Akrita 83, 1070, Nicosia
Call centre: +357 22881800
Fax: 22605043
Email: [email protected]